All future shoot rankings will be published on this page as listed below, with the latest results being at the top of the page and decending in date order
Halloween Shoot – Vegas Round – 2nd November 2024
Our congratulations go to the following members for the above shoot this year:- Recurve / barebow archers : Gold medal and Trophy winner – Helen Ridley – Silver medal – Fabrice Occhini – Bronze medal – Al Cannon – Compound U/L archers: Gold medal and Trophy winner – Gavin Humphrey – Silver medal – Simon Ridley – Bronze medal – Steve Ridley
As is traditional at KPAC, the club also held a Halloween fancy dress costume competition at this event. All members will be able to place a vote to pick a winner, and the images for this can be found on the “Breaking News” page
British Police Archery Association (BPAA) Summer Postal League 2024
We are very please to announce that Steve Ridley, Gavin Humphrey, and Steve Kelly, made up Team “A” representing the South East Region of the BPAA, in their Summer Postal league for the year, shooting over a 6 month period against other Police Archers throughout the UK, and ultimately were the overall winning team. They are to be presented with the Winning Trophy at our Frostbite Tournament at the end of the year. We wish to send our very best wishes and congratulations to them for their outstanding archery this year.
Towton Challenge League 2024 – Results
After a long hard fought battle between the South Yorkshire Police Archery Club (SYPAC) and the Kent Police Archery Club (KPAC) the final results are now in at the conclusion of this first ever event. It is sad that KPAC did not win, however our very best wishes and congratulations go to SYPAC team “A” of Philip Inman, Phil Mackay, and Amy Law. Please see the rankings for all archers below. SYPAC will be presented with a Towton Cup which they will hold for 12 months until the event is undertaken again, at which time it is hoped that KPAC may be able to get the trophy back.
Ascham Challenge 2024 – Results
Well what can I say, what a really great day and event. As many members will be aware, we have been taking part in the Ascham Challenge over many years, and competing against our old friends at Castle Moat and Folkestone Bowmen (CMFB). However we have now found some new friends at Thanet Archery Club (TAC), and the Ascham event is now to become a three way competition. To that end KPAC has purchased a new trophy cup for this, and the old shield now remains in the club forever. The new cup will be held by the winning club / team for the following 12 months until the competition comes around again in the following year.
But back to the event this year. This is the first time that we have seen nearly 30 archers competing in an event at our field, for many years, the last time this happened was way back in about 2014, and so the day brought back many fond memories for the founding members of the club.
The day started for some members at 07:00 hrs with the final setting up of everything needed for the event, but which had in fact started 2 days previously with a total of 10 hours preparation to get everything arranged, so that the day would go off without a hitch. Archers from the 3x clubs involved started to arrive from 09:00 hrs onwards, and were met at the barrier by our President – Bernard Botten, who checked everyone into the FHQ complex. Archers were offered tea, coffee, and soft drinks, whilst they registered in the marquee with Steve & Heather Ridley. At 10:15 Hrs “Judges Information” was announced, providing archers with the “rules of the day” followed 5 minutes later by “Sighters”, and then 10 minutes later with the start of the Tournament. The rounds comprised of a variety of the Imperial Western rounds ranging on this occasion, from the Long Western round at 80 yards maximum distance, right down to the Western 30 round, with 30 yards at its maximum. The first 4 dozen arrows were shot, at which time everyone stopped for lunch, provided by KPAC along with a special Stilton & Potatoe pie provided by Gary Smith-Lyons from CMFB, which was absolutely delicious.
After everyone was suitably fed and watered, the competition resumed again and the concluding 4 dozen arrows shot at the shorter distances. A representative from each club then came together and determined the handicaps of each archer and the allowance to be added to each score submitted. Finally club totals were added together and then divided by the number of varying archers in each team to obtain an average.
Finally the rankings were declared by our President -Bernard, and the winning team presented with the Ascham Cup, and a gold medal for each participating winning club archer. It was amazing and very heartwarming to discover that KPAC were the winning club this year, and therefore to hold the cup for the next 12 months.
A number of photos have been taken of the day, which are now on our gallery on this website, and above this commentary is a video taken by club member Tracy Enright of a snapshot of the event.
The day would not be complete without mentioning the weather – The weather for the weekend was very much a mixed bag, at the end of September 2024, with the Friday when the Marquee was erected in heavy rain and strong winds, followed by a Saturday of sunshine, so by Sunday (29th) we were not sure what the weather would do, but we were favoured by God who kept the rain away, although the temperature did fluctuate throughout the day, and the wind whist gentle to start with, did build as the day progressed, and played havoc to scores in the afternoon, but all archers persisted and most got their arrows on the bosses.
Our congratulations go to the winning KPAC team of – Steve Ridley, Gavin Humphrey, Ian Sutherland, Al Cannon, Chris Catmull, Finlay Hastings, Nicholas Tyler. A great job and very well done to all.
Everyone appeared to have an enjoyable day and stated that they looked forward to doing it again soon, and left happy but somewhat tired after a full days archery.
As Chairman, I wish to give my grateful thanks to the following members who helped throughout the weekend with erection and dismantling of the range and marquee – Heather Ridley, Al Cannon, Bernard Botten, Sally Wright, Ian Sutherland, Gavin Humphrey, Finlay Hastings, Nicholas Tyler, Tracy Enright, and Chris Catmull,
Individual ranking scores including allowances added:- KPAC – Nicholas Tyler 1275 – Finlay Hastings 1377 – Ian Sutherland 1609 – Chris Catmull 1360 – Al Cannon 1383 – Gavin Humphrey 1380 – Steve Ridley 1327
Individual ranking scores including allowances added:- TAC – Lewis Bullen-Steed 1457 – Chris Bullen 1327 – Linda Gawler 1310- Anne Fretwell 1258 – Fred Hammond 1328 – Paul Rockcliffe 1327 – Bob Gawler 1248 – Alan May 1246
Individual ranking scores including allowances added:- CMFB – Gary Smith-Lyons 1184 – Dave Ash 1320 – Malcolm Keene 1301 – Gary Johnson 1238 – Charles Shorthouse 1350 – Ryan Kirby 1402 – Daniel Burnett 1027
With the allowance and the averaging of team numbers the final rankings were determined:- Kent Police Archery Club (KPAC) 1387 – Thanet Archery Club (TAC) 1312 – Castle Moat & Folkestone Bowman (CMFB) 1260
KPAC /SYPAC Towton Summer Postal League 2024 – August Rankings