Our club was formed in September 2011, due to considerable interest expressed by the staff of Kent Police. As a result, the 3 founding members got together, and created the beginning of what we have today, and the rest is history.
We are an independent “closed club”, specifically providing the opportunity only for members of the Police family ( serving and retired Police Officers, serving and retired Police Staff, along with members of the Special Constabulary) and others who are also members of the Kent Police Recreation Association (KPRA) who have an interest in various forms of archery, such as Target -Field -3D – and Clout, to join us. The club also permits and caters for the spouse / partner, dependent children ( from the age of 10 years upwards) or Committee invited friends of any KPRA member to also join and participate in our club.
Membership of the club is further based on individuals who are either existing archers, who have provided proof of such, and their ability to shoot in a particular bow discipline, or they would be new to archery and would have undergone a beginners course, and have been certified to initial entry standard, and further offered the opportunity to join our club. As such, our club has a mixture of members from beginners, right up to very experienced long standing archer / coaches, but the fundamental ethos of the club, is that all members offer assistance to each other when asked to, in order to improve skill levels and ability, and in so doing raise the standard and standing of the club in the archery world. It also aims to further engender an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie with like-minded individuals, sharing this common interest.
NOTE: Full access to this website is only granted to members of the club.
We advise the reader, that this site is primarily for the benefit of members of the Kent Police Archery Club, and access to the full site is limited to established and confirmed members only. However there is still a considerable amount of useful archery information that is accessible to anyone who visits our site. The site is updated on a regular basis, and is worth visiting frequently – Welcome – we hope you enjoy your look around.
SAFEGARDING – Kent Police Archery Club firmly hold the belief that a child or young person should never suffer any form of abuse. All in the club hold a responsibility in promoting the welfare of all children and young people as well as adults at risk and in keeping them safe from harm. Our Club under the guidance of the Committee is committed to operate in a way that protects all.
Kent Police Archery Club is committed in ensuring that the Executive and General Committees, volunteers, members, and others who participate in activities run by the club have an understanding of Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk and what forms of abuse may take place and that they know where to raise concerns if abuse is suspected or reported.