KPAC Member Safety and Conduct

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Members are required as part of club membership to comply with the above -This information will only be used for the purposes of maintaining a safe and secure environment within the KPAC. We will not share or distribute your information with any third parties unless required to do so by law.
Print your club membership number in the field above - club membership number can be found on your club membership card
Membership type
Do you require a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP)?
Can you or the person you’re completing this form on behalf of leave the area the club uses unaided in an emergency? A PEEP may be needed for someone with an impairment or disability such as mobility impairment, sight impairment, hearing impairment, cognitive impairment, a medical condition or injury which might cause them to need assistance to evacuate safely. Sometimes the requirement for a PEEP may be temporary for instance, someone who is using a wheelchair because of a broken leg or someone in the late stages of pregnancy. If you answer yes to this question we will contact you to arrange a PEEP
I have read and understand the Constitution document of the KPAC Please read this document fully before checking
I have read and understand the Club's Policy Document of the KPAC. Please read this document fully before checking
I have read and understand the Club's Risk Assessment document of the KPAC. Please read this document fully before checking
I have read and understand the Club's Emergency Plan document of the KPAC. Please read this document fully before checking
I have read and understand the Club's Indoor Archery Range document of the KPAC. Please read this document fully before checking
I have read and understand the Club's KPAC Shooting Regulations document. Please read fully before checking
I have read and understand the Club's Target Range Plans. Please read fully before checking
I have read and understand the Club's Safeguarding Policy document. Please read fully before checking
I have fully completed the Club's Safeguarding Knowledge Check
I have read and understand the Club's Annual Handbook (latest version) - Please read fully before checking
Please type "I agree" to this statement to confirm agreement
Please type "I agree" to this statement to confirm agreement
By printing your name this acts as your digital signature
Please print date in full