So what is a club target day? – well it can mean different things to different clubs, however it is what it means to our club that is the relevant thing. Ever since new Handicap and Classification tables the KPAC has had to updated its meaning.
Members will now be aware there is a Classification system, that introduces 3 category groups, each containing 3 sub categories – Archer Classification: 3rd Class Archer, 2nd Class Archer, and 1st Class Archer. These classifications can be achieved even during archery practice. The next category is Bowman Classification: 3rd Class Bowman, 2nd Class Bowman, 1st Class Bowman. However to achieve Bowman, it requires a different criteria. The shoot undertaken must be some form of competition, following our Shooting Regulations. There must be multiple archers all shooting the same round. The KPAC consider this as any competition having 2 or more archers. KPAC also require the round to be shot on the Kent Police complex, either indoors or outdoors subject to the time of year, and within the indoor or outdoor season timescale. KPAC also require the score sheet to be signed by both the Archer and the scorer. The scorers name needs to be printed (not just a squiggle that cannot be read) in order that if required it can be verified, for the Club’s Records Officer to accept, confirm, and record the score.
The new KPAC Club Target Day format has been determined now as being a club shoot day pre-booked and displayed in the “At a Glance” area of the website. These have been selected to be 2 per month on the specific dates as listed, unless there is a Tournament within the month, in which case that will count as competitive and will permit any archer to use their score towards the Bowmen classification. Archers may use club target days to shoot for Bowman, provided that 2 or more club archers are taking part in the same agreed round.