First Aid

The definition of the term “First Aid” is – Help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available.”an expert in emergency first aid”

Whilst Archery is a dangerous sport, it is one of the safest because it is so highly regulated. However should an injury occur either in relation to our sport or completely unrelated, the club has qualified First Aiders within its membership (a list of our current First Aiders can be found on the club notice board in shed 2). However club First Aiders may not always be present, when an incident occurs and therefore individual members knowing what to do in an emergency, may help to save a life, before professional medical help arrives.

A First Aid kit is located in Shed 2 (along with an Accident book) adjacent to the field on the old FHQ complex – Also In the kitchen area of the KPRA on the old FHQ complex – In the Reception area of the Firearms Range also along with a defibrillator, and other Ballistic First Aid kits in the marked cupboards at the rear of the Firearms Range itself. However if the incident is not minor, the contact to the required emergency service MUST be made using either the 999 system, or contcting the Force Control Room on the internal telephone system requesting assistance. The most senior club member present MUST record the incident in FULL in the “Accident Book” which is located in shed 2 at the FHQ when the incident is on the field at FHQ or the Accident Book in the Blue and Red Box if in the Indoor Range at the Training School.

To assist members, we have put a series of First Aid tutorial video’s, below.