Experienced Archer List

Members who are new to our sport, but who have undergone and passed a club beginners course are required to shoot on the range in the presence of an experienced archer until such time as a coach from the club’s Coaching Training Team (CTT) has passed them to shoot without such an experienced archer present.

The below identified member /archers have been classified as experienced archers and are expected when on the range to ensure that members who require an experienced archer to be present are undertaking their archery in the correct and safe manner as prescribed by KPAC’s “Shooting Regulations”

Steve Ridley

Heather Ridley

Simon Ridley

Helen Ridley

Ian Sutherland

Bernard Botten

Chris Catmull

Sam Catmull

Fabrice Occhini

Sharon Occhini

Sally Wright

Matt Wright

Paul Butler

Chris Young

Gavin Humphrey

Evgeny Alexeev

Lisa Jepson

Allan Cannon

Alex Cannon

Steve Kelly

Paul Meekins