Archery Badges
To assist our new members ( and maybe even some of our longer standing ones) with what they can achieve in addition to medal ranking and be issued with in certain rounds undertaken. Below are detailed the various ways that badges can be achieved for obtaining various scores in archery………….. For awards already achieved by members, the award spreadsheet will be found within the secure members area.
Outdoor Rounds
Kent Police Archery Club take part in an archery Classification Scheme which enables archers to be awarded badges signifying their current shooting standard. To qualify for a particular outdoor classification badge an archer needs to obtain appropriate scores from a varying number of arrows (12 dozen, 18 dozen, 36 dozen) which can be acquired during archery practice, club tournament day, or at a recognised club shoot or tournament. The rounds need not all be the same, but must be shot in the same season. They do not however have to be shot consecutively.
Archer Tier: 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class – Bowman Tier: 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class
Once you have recorded the required scores at a certain level on a club target day or at a tournament you will be awarded a badge.
Kent Police Archery Club do not charge for the initial issue of these badges. However if members requires a replacement badge these can be supplied at a small charge.
For indoor rounds the classifications run from H through to A at the highest.
Once you have recorded 3 scores at a certain level on a club target day or at a tournament you will be awarded a badge. Club score sheets either hard copy or as a screenshot from a scoring App are uploaded by the archer as an image to the Golden Records Online Scoring System. Initially these will be held in limbo whilst they are checked by the club’s Records Officer who will check your manually entered data against the uploaded scoresheet. When happy with the information the data will then be accepted into the spreadsheet for members to view.
Frostbite Round
The Frostbite round takes place outdoors during the winter period and is normally associated with very cold bad / wet weather to ensure the challenge of the shoot. In our club it is normally accompanied with a BBQ to warm up cold members participating. The round consists of 3 dozen arrows (6 arrow ends / or can be 3 arrow ends if organiser agrees to extend the fun and the cold) at 30m shooting at an 80cm target face. You have 6 arrows for sighters. Everybody who takes part and completes the round scoring 200 points or more will receive a Frostbite badge.
The Frostbite badges range from 200 to 355. The badge numbers are 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 315, 330, 340, 350, 355.
252 Round
The 252 scheme consists of shooting 3 dozen arrows at increasing distances with a 5 zone scoring format.
When a score of 252 or more is achieved twice, a 252 badge is awarded displaying the distance and the legend 252.
The badges are available at 10 (Junior), 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 80 and 100 yard distances.
You can shoot a 252 round specifically, however you can also help to achieve the award when shooting any outdoor round where you have scored 252 or more at a set distance with your first 36 arrows. You only need to achieve this score twice to obtain the badge. Remember though this can only be scored on your very first 36 arrows shot – none other.
If you are shooting a different bow type to Recurve there are different scores for you to obtain in order to qualify for a badge, please see the table below:
Distance (yds) | Recurve score | Compound score | Longbow score | Barebow score |
20 | 252 | 280 | 164 | 189 |
30 | 252 | 280 | 164 | 189 |
40 | 252 | 280 | 164 | 189 |
50 | 252 | 280 | 164 | 189 |
60 | 252 | 280 | 164 | 189 |
80 | 252 | 280 | 126 | 164 |
100 | 252 | 280 | 101 | 139 |
Portsmouth Badges
For the indoor Portsmouth round, we offer awards by score in steps from 300 to 600. The badges jump in score by 25 from 300 up to 575, they then increase by 5 points to 600.
300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 525, 550, 575, 580, 585, 590, 595, 600.
You only need to make this score once in order to obtain the appropriate Portsmouth badge. It must be scored on a Club Target Day or at a specific Portsmouth round and the score sheet again must be uploaded onto the Golden Records Online Scoring System.
Worcester Badges
For the indoor Worcester round, we offer awards by score in steps from 100 to 300. The badges jump in score by 25 from 100 up to 250, they then increase by 15 points to 265 and then by 10 to 295 and then by 5 to 300.
World Archery (WA) Arrow Awards
The WA Feather and Arrow awards are available to junior and adult beginners who are following the World Archery awards programme. These can only be obtained by completing a scoring task, demonstrating technical prowess and by answering archery related questions.
There is a Red and Gold Feather award and then WA Arrow awards in this order: White, Black, Blue, Red, Gold.
To learn more or to sign up to the scheme speak to one of our coaches in the Coaching Training Team (CTT)
Archery Progress Award Scheme
The Round
The indoor rounds are shot at different distances (10 yards, 15 yards and 20 yards) depending on your age group and what colour you’re going for, but all are shot on a 60 cm Portsmouth target. Indoor badges will not be available initially at KPAC. The scheme will first operate using the outdoor format only
The outdoor rounds are also shot at difference distances but they are either on an 80 cm face or a 122 cm face.
You’ll need three qualifying scores to be awarded each badge. To gain a qualifying score, you will need to shoot 36 arrows in a single session – no splitting it across multiple sessions.
Everyone gets six sighter arrows
There are five different age groups: U12, U14, U16, U18, and Seniors. Clubs can also offer an Over 65 award group, should they wish, using the U16 scores (KPAC will accept this option).
Outdoors for ALL bow styles, 5 zone scoring is used for the 122 cm face and 10 zone scoring for the 80 cm face. Indoors, 10 zone scoring is used for ALL bow styles but Compounds must use the inner 10 ring to score 10. All the scores you need to know can be found below.
Due to the cost of these badges, the club will be making a small nominal charge toward the overall cost of each badge acquired.
For the time being we will only initially be operating the outdoor badge – indoors will be reviewed in October